Wild gods in you - "Spear of Athena": 4x holotropic breathing, Gestalt, Myth, Encounter, Theater - Transgenerative Trauma


Jorg Fuhrmann

Wild gods in you - "Spear of Athena": 4x holotropic breathing, Gestalt, Myth, Encounter, Theater - Transgenerative Trauma

The ancient Greek therapy of the soul / psyche - in contrast to the healing of bodily afflictions - did not turn inward and rather still-contemplative, but above all through the expressive expression of what was once "pushed in" or what it was ". too much "has been recorded. Here it was possible to come in contact with the playful-creative expressive, what CG Jung has also called "shadow" (beyond the everyday-I-mask), then the potential contained therein then creatively transformative bring in their own lives.

The seminar is about the search for what our souls have taken over in depth due to the transgenerative transmission of trauma and traumatization of our ancestors and ancestors. The ancient war gods Athena and Ares remind us not only that the times of struggle and war have always been and are opposite poles of peaceful times, but also that we - who grew up in a region and time of the deepest peace, We also have qualities of war and struggle in us, even if we are not aware of it ourselves and sometimes consider ourselves to be ostensibly peaceable beings. It seems both important to accept the suffering of their own ancestors, in themselves, worthy"Without aggression, I could not even eat an apple!" 

We work in this 4-day interdisciplinary module with different approaches from the circle of the "Encounter movement", the "Human Potential Movement" & the Transpersonal Psychology as well as the Gestalt - body therapy - such as the expression theater , the authentic movement, the scream, sound, drum and trance as well as 4 sessions in " Holotropic Breathing ", of which 2 can be experienced as a respirator and 2 as a companion.

The four-day seminar will be led by Jörg Fuhrmann (+ assistant).

Blog article: Transgenerative German War Trauma >>





{%%} Speakers


350.- € (Regular) (+ Accomodation / Organic Food)

300.- € (Students / Unemployed) (+ Accommodation / Organic Food)

Venue name

Castle Glarisegg Steckborn (Switzerland)


{% Location%}

The Glarisegg is a castle between Steckborn and Mammern in the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland.
Address : Schloss Glarisegg, 8266 Steckborn
Telephone : 0041 (0) 52 770 21 88