Double breathwork in Kunbabony, Hungary - 20-23nd March 2025

20 Mar 2025 to 22 Mar 2025 / 10 seats available / 5:00 PM to 2:00 PM

We wholeheartedly invite you to this 3-day Holotropic Breathwork® workshop. This retreat will help you to get out of the day-to-day activities, the accelerated city life and focus on yourself. During this workshop two breathwork sessions will allow you to access expanded states of consciousness in a safe setting. The workshop will take place in Kunbabony, in a peaceful and magical venue built to host community-centered events, situated an hour south of Budapest.


Date: 20th - 23rd March 2025 (starting Thursday evening, finishing Sunday noon.)

Price of the workshop: € 290

Price of the accommodation: € 50/night in a shared room, € 60/ night in a single room 

The price of the accommodation includes three meals per day + snacks and coffee.

Reservations will be made by the organizers. Please note that we cannot guarantee a single room.

The group size is limited to 16 participants. The workshop will be held in Hungarian with English translation if needed - depending on the constitution of the group.

The workshop will be held in Hungarian with English translation if needed - depending on the constitution of the group.

Register HERE for the workshop:

Further details about the workshop's schedule will be shared after registration.

About Holotropic Breathwork®:

Holotropic Breathwork® is a powerful technique for self-healing and self-exploration allowing for greater self-understanding, expansion of self-identity and access to the roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenges one might face. 

Based on extensive research in psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and spiritual settings it had been developed by the psychiatrist and psychotherapist Dr. Stanislav Grof and his wife Christina Grof. It involves a combination of breathing, evocative music, focused energy release work and integration through art work and sharing. However, the healing and transformation powers develop solely through one's connection with the breath diving deep into non-ordinary states of consciousness such as meditative and mystical experiences allowing deep healing and self-empowerment.

Holotropic Breathwork® provides access to expanded states of consciousness, in which your own wisdom connects with your inner healing and inner transforming power. This healing wisdom guides the experiences towards those aspects which carry a charge, and are ready to be processed or integrated.

HB might be of interest if:

-You are seeking a more experiental approach to healing, one that goes beyond talk therapy.

-You are experiencing a major life crisis and seeking deep wisdom and insights.

-You want to release unresolved issues from the past.

-You want to understand the emotional roots of a persistent physical/psychosomatic condition.

-You want to expand your consciousness and further explore your spiritual path.


Melinda Varfi

Melinda believes in the power of communities and is passionate about helping them grow to contribute towards a regenerative society. Having worked in different fields of work, she has found that the closest topic to her heart is sustainability – both... read more ..

Panni Wagner

Clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, in the Grof Transpersonal Training currently. I have gained my personal development and healing knowledge and experience through diverse psycho-somato and psychodynamic-oriented methods/practices. As a neuro... read more ..

Ervin Kardos

Ervin was born and raised in Hungary. After completing high school, he moved to Austria where he currently resides with his partner and their dog. He has a diverse educational and professional background that includes construction, business, social... read more ..


Guesthouse Kunabony - Kunbábony 37/2, 6090

View More Information About The Venue

Payment Policy


Price of the rooms and food, including coffee breaks:

Full-board 150 Euro/3 nights in a shared room or 180 Euro/3 nights in a single room.

Please know that there is no guarantee for a single room.

WE DO THE RESERVATION FOR YOU, no need to book separately.

Price of the workshop: 290 Euro.

Cancellation Policy

Enter the details for cancellation here ...
Double breathwork in Kunbabony, Hungary - 20-23nd March 2025

Event Contacts

Melinda Varfi