Tom Baksa


Tom, born 1980 in Croatia, is a certified GTT facilitator.

He studied IT and business - the field in which he actively works today (as a consultant and owner of small private business).

His deeper interests and passions reside in the realm of dedicated inner work/growth, psychology, exploration of various healing modalities (therapeutical/spiritual), yoga and shamanism. He enjoys playing music and spending time in nature.

Experiential dive into the field of transpersonal psychology began from his first Holotropic Breathwork session in 2010, where some pieces of “the puzzle” just clicked together – but many more appeared (bringing more color and substance to inner world). Always learning as a passionate seeker - he explores paths of various healing practices, where his experiences in extended states of consciousness together with providing/receiving support, continuously aid in his personal/professional transformation and integration.

He became a certified Holotropic Breathwork practitioner in 2016 and has been regularly co-facilitating workshops and GTT modules in Europe during his training years and after - supporting others on their inner journeys towards wholeness.

Currently, he lives in Croatia with his partner and son - and is in training (European psychotherapy training institute - EAPTI) of becoming a gestalt psychotherapist.

Tom Baksa

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Zagreb Croatia