Martin Duris


Martin Duris is a movement/dance therapist, cranio-sacral therapist and somatic coach. He graduated in 2010 with a Health & Physical Activity Foundation Degree (FdA) from the Bolton University in the UK. This program utilizes the health promoting principles of sport, fitness, physical activity, nutrition and psychology - to prevent and alleviate a number of conditions. As well as these scientific elements, the course also included aspects of sports and health policy, coaching and health promotion strategy.

Martin finished the Svastha Yoga Therapy Programme - advanced teacher training in 2014 and continues studying with Dr. Ganesh Mohan and Dr. Günter Niessen. The highlight of Svastha yoga's approach is clarity and holistic approach. Combining traditional yoga with a wide spectrum of modern medicine.

He continues to share his knowledge with other people, runs a private somatic couching and therapy, and is conducting different courses, workshops and seminars - focusing on the combination of yoga, martial arts, dance, cranio-sacral therapy and health promotion.

Currently, he is finalizing Grof Transpersonal Training to become a certified facilitator. 

Martin Duris

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