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Naja was born in Slovenia and holds a degree in English and American studies —specialising in linguistics and translation. Her background includes studies in CogSci, Celtic practices and other spiritual and body-movement explorations that can nourish one's soul.
Her inner path has led her to discover Holotropic Breathwork and has throughout the years recognised the immense support Holotropic Breathwork community brought in expanding her own personal healing journey and for enriching her exploration of non-ordinary states of consciousness (ie. NOSC).
She sees the magnitude of self-empowerment when one follows one’s own Inner Healing Wisdom (without any mediators in between), and acknowledges how liberating & therapeutic it is when one gets to express oneself wholly through feelings & the body without judgment in a safe and supportive environment.
She has been working at and offering support in facilitating Holotropic Breathwork workshops and GTT training modules in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Czech Republic, Ireland and the UK.
Otherwise, she has been walking the Path of Druidry facilitating death & dying processes, communing with nature, animals, birds & bees 🐝, exploring the world, sound, music, frequencies, free-form dancing & vocal expression, holding Sharing Circles and other practices that facilitate self-care & support Integration processes. She has also been working in the field of production & voiceovers for years.
Join us on a deep-dive journey within, at our 1-day Holotropic Breathwork workshop by Lake Geneva at the Prana Santé centre!
Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage intérieur en profondeur, lors de notre atelier d'une journée sur la respiration holotropique au lac Léman, au centre Prana Santé !
Join us on a deep-dive journey within, at our 1-day Holotropic Breathwork workshop by Lake Geneva at the Prana Santé centre!
Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage intérieur en profondeur, lors de notre atelier d'une journée sur la respiration holotropique au lac Léman, au centre Prana Santé !
Join us on a deep-dive journey within, at our 1-day Holotropic Breathwork workshop by Lake Geneva at the Prana Santé centre!
Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage intérieur en profondeur, lors de notre atelier d'une journée sur la respiration holotropique au lac Léman, au centre Prana Santé !
Join us on a deep-dive journey within, at our 1-day Holotropic Breathwork workshop by Lake Geneva at the Prana Santé centre!
Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage intérieur en profondeur, lors de notre atelier d'une journée sur la respiration holotropique au lac Léman, au centre Prana Santé !