Understanding spiritual emergency is one of the major contributions of the holotropic perspective. Whether you are a professional or a layperson, someone interested in working with or supporting people in transformational crises, or primarily in your own growth, the module offers a rich experience and valuable information. In addition to differentiating between psychosis and spiritual emergency, we’ll also explore the intensely practical aspects of who, in these kinds of crises, can benefit from Holotropic Breathwork and how best to work with them in their emergencies. This workshop includes a discussion of the concept of spiritual emergency, its manifestations and forms, historical and anthropological perspectives, treatment strategies and work with family and friends.

GTT Staff

Jean Farrell

Teacher and Facilitator

GTT facilitator and trainerBorn in England, Jean has lived in Ireland for thirty years with her husband and the children and young people they have fostered. In England she worked as a senior lecturer...

Holly Harman

Facilitator and Organiser

Holly has a first degree in Psychology and is a Registered Mental Health Nurse. She worked in clinical and senior leadership roles in acute mental health settings in the National Health Service for 20...


Nora McDonnell

Facilitator and Organiser

Nora is a retired secondary school teacher in the west of Ireland. She enjoys bringing the  holotropic perspective to her everyday interactions with both young people and all her relationships. S...


1. Early Bird Rate

-Single bed hotel room, payment before February 19th  -  1160 EUR

-Twin bed hotel room, payment before February 19th  -  1090 EUR


2. Regular Rate

-Single bed hotel room, payment after February 19th  -  1290 EUR

-Twin bed hotel room, payment after February 19th  -  1220 EUR


Prices include workshop fee, full board accommodation and coffee breaks.


St. Katerina Resort,


Czech Republic

Payment Details

For registering & payment, please go directly to our online application form.


Cancellation Policy

1) Cancellation fee is 50 EUR.

2) If you cancel your registration within 30 days before the module begins, 70% of the amount transferred will be refunded.

3) If you cancel your registration more than 30 days before the module begins, 100% of the amount transferred will be refunded.

4) All deposits are fully refundable upon cancellation of the event by GTT.