May 05, 2025

Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator, teacher and founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised in trauma healing she has a broad background in working in the areas of gender based violence, trafficking in persons, sexual abuse, unaccompanied minor refugees, street children etc. in Austria and abroad, especially in (post-) conflict countries.

Her educational background is in Bowen Body Therapy, master studies in clinical supervision, coaching and organisational development as well as a master degree in political science and sociology. She lectures at universities and universities of applied science in Austria and abroad and also facilitates conferences and workshops.

Sonja regularly organises HB workshops in Austria and has been facilitating in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Currently, she is exploring as certified SoulCollage® Facilitator the potentials of this beautiful technique to support people in integrating experiences in extraordinary states of consciousness.

GTT Module - "Trauma Trasformazione" - "Trauma Transformation" Assisi Italy - 5th-10th May 2025 with Sonja Busch

A recommeded Module everyone is welcome - Un modulo consigliato, tutti sono i benvenuti

"Dalle sofferenze emergono le anime più forti.”                                     Kahlil Gibran (ENGLISCH BELOW)

La citazione di Khalil Gibran sarà l'apertura a un'esplorazione esperienziale del vero significato del trauma, del suo impatto sul nostro modo di vivere in questo mondo e di come l'operare negli stati di coscienza olotropici possa favorire l'integrazione del sé frammentato e la guarigione.

Il trauma è la parola greca per ferita, un ferimento. Tutti abbiamo ferite; dalla nascita alla morte, e persino prima della nascita. Queste possono essere impegnative nella loro intensità, nel loro impatto su di noi e nel nostro rapporto con noi stessi, gli altri e il nostro ambiente.    

Il modulo si concentrerà sull'impatto del trauma sul benessere fisico, emotivo e psicologico. Esploreremo strategie olotropiche che possono essere utili nel lavorare con queste questioni complesse. Il nostro approccio sarà un misto di teoria e pratiche esperienziali. Ogni partecipante avrà modo di sperimentare due sessioni di Respirazione Olotropica come "respirante” e due come “sitter/accopagnatore" Attingendo dalla nostra esperienza personale, ci impegneremo anche in esercizi creativi con materiali artistici, scrittura e movimento. 

I temi e le questioni in cu ci immergeremo, includeranno:

- Come il Paradigma Olotropico e il lavoro negli stati espansi di coscienza siano di beneficio nell'integrare e trasformare il trauma Il processo traumatico 

- quando concentrarsi su cosa? 

- L'uso delle strategie di sopravvivenza e dei meccanismi di difesa dell'ego; la loro efficacia e limitazioni 

- Il potere della Presenza 

- Comprendere i livelli perinatali e transpersonali del nostro essere secondo Grof; e l'impatto dei legami generazionali come parte del transpersonale. 

Questo modulo non solo contribuirà al nostro percorso di ricerca della completezza, ma anche accrescerà la nostra abilità di essere presenti con gli altri - in veste di compagni, terapeuti e facilitatori - durante il processo di elaborazione del proprio trauma.


"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls".   Kahlil Gibran

This quote by Khalil Gibran will lead the way into an experiential exploration of what trauma really means, how it impacts our way of being in this world and how the work in Holotropic states of consciousness can be beneficial to integrate the fragmented self and heal.
Trauma is the Greek word for wound, a wounding. We all have woundings; from birth to death, and even before birth. These can be demanding in their intensity, in their impact on us, and in our relationship with ourselves, others, and our environment. 

The module will focus on the impact of trauma on physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing.

We will explore holotropic strategies that can be beneficial in working with these challenging issues.
Our approach will be a mixture of theory and experiential practices. Each participant will experience two Holotropic Breathwork sessions as a “breather” and two as a “sitter."
Drawing on our personal experience, we will also engage in creative exercises with art materials, writing and movement.

Topics and questions we dive into will include:

- How the Holotropic Paradigm and the work in expanded states of consciousness is beneficial in integrating and transforming trauma

- The trauma process - when to focus on what?

- The use of survival strategies and ego defense mechanisms; their effectiveness and limitation
- The power of Presence

- Understanding Grof's perinatal and transpersonal levels of our being; and the impact of generational links as part of the transpersona

This module will not only be useful in our own journey towards wholeness, but will enhance our ability to be present with others - as companions, therapists and facilitators as they work with their own trauma.

For apprenticeship registration please click here!


Thomas Liska

Facilitator and Organiser

Thomas Liska is GTT Europe Direktor and together with Sonja Busch founder of the Holotropic Association of Europe with extensive experience working in Ukraine, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain,...

Sonja Busch

Teacher and Facilitator

Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised...


Località Santa Maria di Lignano, 42,, ASSISI PG Italy, 06081 

Località Santa Maria di Lignano, 42,, ASSISI PG Italy, 06081

+39 075 802261

+39 3534330183

Hotel Website:


Early bird price for the Module is € 950- ink. 20%VAT payment 6 weeks before the module starts.
Regular price € 1150,- ink. 20%VAT. 

Individuals from non-EU countries do not pay a 20% VAT, and this 20% will be deducted. Registered EU companies with a valid VAT number will receive an invoice free of VAT if the VAT number is provided during registration. Retroactive changes are not possible.

Please note that the hotel accommodation cost is not included in the seminar fee and should be paid directly to the venue. The hotel room prices are as follows:

Single Room: €125 per person
Double Room: €105 per person
Triple Room: €89 per person
Quadruple/Quintuple Room: €75 per person
The price includes full board with ample coffee/tea breaks.

Extra nights can be booked (before and after the module's start) by contacting the hotel directly. You will find all the necessary information in the confirmation email following your registration.



The cancellation fee is always EUR 180 ink.20%VAT,- for a Module.

If you cancel the module within 30 days before the course, the course fee will not be refunded, but could be applied to any other module or workshop with the Holotropic Association Austria (minus the cancellation fee).
If you cancel the workshop more than a month in advance the total amount minus 180,- EUR cancellation fee will be refunded.
If the organization should cancel the event due to any reason, the entire amount paid for the course will be refunded to the participants. Please note: The organisation will not take any responsibility for any additional expenses the cancellation may cause to the participant such as for example travel expenses.